Tuesday, June 3, 2014

2015 Tour du Burundi - Is It In You?!

Simon has asked us to put the word out to our friends and followers alike to see who may have an interest in joining him in Burundi for the 2015 Tour du Burundi.  Timing is earlier next year (due to Presidential elections in Burundi in May 2015, which could lead to some uncertainty), so the Tour will go from 18 - 24th of January, with arrivals slated for the 14th/15th of January.  

I cannot more highly recommend the opportunity, the experience and the cause.  Oh yeah, the biking is pretty exceptional too.  Give this some thought and certainly if you have an inspiration or interest in it, let me know and I will put you in touch with Simon.

On a personal note, I was "back in the saddle again" today for a 88km (55 mile) jaunt here in Catalunya with our lawyer, Rafael.  I really need to find more out of shape "friends" to cycle with as Rafael really had me struggling to keep up!  Certainly this was a more serious ride than I had anticipated for my "return" to cycling post-Burundi, but it was really enjoyable just the same.  Thanks for sandbagging Rafa!!!

Donations are now up to $24,429 - just $5,571 to reach the $30k mark!!  

Thanks everyone for your financial support of GLO and personal support for myself and the 2014 Tour du Burundi team!!