Saturday, March 4, 2017

Here WE go again!! 2017 Africa GLO Tour a.k.a. Biking for Burundi (Again!)

Burundi is the world's HUNGRIEST country.  Burundi is the world's POOREST country.  Burundi is the world's most UNHAPPY country.  Seriously, these are just the adjective's measured by published indexes, but you could insert just about any undesirable adjective in CAPS and Burundi would likely "win".

Due to a President that will just not step aside and allow new leadership to direct the country, Burundi is now in an all out crisis.  Things are bad enough there that the safety of this year's riders cannot be certain in Burundi, thus we are going to be riding through Rwanda!  I will return to Central Africa in May 2017 to cycle the mountains of Rwanda, Burundi's northern neighbor.  Rwanda presents a greater challenge, 780km (490 miles) and 14,780m (48,500ft) of climbing over seven days, but nothing compared to what friends are experiencing in Burundi simply living day to day. 

The goals are simple!  First and foremost we want to spread awareness of Burundi's dire situation and second, to raise donations for furthering its improvement.

Without any cost except a few minutes of your time, YOU can help achieve the first goal quite easily.  Share my facebook posts (yes, I will be a bit more active the next couple of months), print and post on your work or school bulletin board blog post or two from this site or just plain tell people you know someone that thinks Burundi is important and you can tell them about it or direct them to me!

The fundraising, yes, well I know a few folks that it is easier to make a quick donation as their time is valuable and hey, I am all for that as we indeed have 2 objectives!!  I am so into the 2nd objective that I will match all donations up to my stated goal of $20,000 USD.  All donations will go directly to Great Lakes Outreach ("GLO"), a registered US not for profit charity (can you say "US Tax Deduction"?!).  That's right, for every dollar, euro, pound, Burundian franc or zloty you donate, my wallet is lighter by the same amount!

GLO and its founder,
Simon Guillebaud, are working to deliver a better future to Burundi's 10.2 million population through outstanding local leaders and sustainable projects.  GLO has 10 project partners that receive management, networking and financial support.  Simon, his wife Lizzie and their 3 children live in Burundi, allowing Simon direct access for support and oversight of GLO's partners. 

Donations received related to my fundraising will be split, 50% for GLO and its partners and 50% for
Milk for Transformation.  Yes, those cows are still kickin' and the milk is still flowin'!!  Through the donations and support of many friends over the past three years of my involvement on GLO's Board, this project continues to nourish those in need, while creating a "flowing" micro-economy for many Burundians without other economic options to provide for themselves and their families.  GOTTA LOVE THE COWS!!!!

Thanks for your thought, consideration and support!!


Mark Hopper in aid of GLO, charity registered in the US (EIN 61-1542335) & UK (1097267)