Thursday, May 4, 2017

Presenting at Tasza's school - spreading the awareness of Burundi and GLO

Just back from an awesome time at Natasza's school - The Olive Tree School.  I had access to present Burundi and Great Lakes Outreach for an hour to about 50 kids (years 4 - 10).  Lots of fun and some very challenging questions.  Really charged me up in terms of motivation for the non-physical part of the Tour (motivation for riding now not exactly high as the two rides this week have been exhausting).

At The Olive Tree, of course we talked about my favorite project - COWS!!!

In fact, we just approved purchase by Evariste of 15 additional cows yesterday, 5 in calf (pregnant) - so the project is moving forward and surviving - YES THE MILK IS STILL FLOWING!!!

The rest of the presentation focused on some Burundi history and the evolution of the Tutsi / Hutu issues as well as the current crisis originating from President Nkurunziza's insistence on a third term of office.

I then drew a lot of laughs from Simon's monkey encounter:

My entry line for this was "My friend Simon is a bit crazy" and of course, this is NOT the craziest thing that I have seen him do at the Burundi reptile and primate zoo to which he has the "Simon Pass", meaning anything and everything goes!  When I was there in 2014 (you can see photos from that blog post), we were IN the crocodile area and he was pulling a big 8 footer by the tail!

I continued in the presentation though about Simon's passion for a better Burundi and his great vision and leadership.  Certainly reasons for my efforts on behalf of GLO and Simon and for my confidence in suggesting others to support as well!

Gotta go for now!

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